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Embracing Our Traditions

All are welcome at Shaarei Zedeck, where we joyfully celebrate holidays together and come together weekly to honor Shabbat. As a self-led congregation, members participate in the rituals of a service and in leading prayers. We ask that men wear a “kippa” (head covering) while in the sanctuary. Everyone who comes up to the bimah should wear a “talit” (prayer shawl). These can be found in the cabinet at the back of the sanctuary. Please silence your cell phones.

Parking is available behind the shul, accessed by a driveway off of High Street. Parking is also available on High Street or on side streets off of Water Street. Please ring the doorbell at the side entrance.

High Holidays

Our seats do not have a price tag, ever. At Shaarei Zedeck, there is never a fee to worship, even during high holidays.

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Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)

L’Shana Tova.
Click here for the Schedule from Erev Rosh Hashanah to Day Two

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Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)

“For on this day, He will forgive you, to purify you, that you be cleansed from all sins before G-d.” (Leviticus 16:30)
Click here for the Schedule from Erev Yom Kippur to Break-fast

The members of this shul love this place. My husband and I were greeted in such an endearing way when we first came for High Holiday services and we joined that same year. The rest is history.

Cantor Miriam

Shabbat Services

Musical Kabbalat Shabbat services are held several times throughout the year, with details shared on the calendar. Saturday morning Shabbat services are held weekly, beginning at 9:00AM, and include three sections; Shacharit, Torah, and Musaf. A dairy potluck dinner accompanies our Musical Kabbalat Shabbat services and a kiddush with challah, traditional fare, and many good treats follow our weekly Saturday morning services.

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Musical Kabbalat Shabbat

Whether onsite or in a new location, we have a number of special musical services with the beautiful sounds of instruments and voices. New music and melodies are a treat and all are welcome to be “up-fronters”, who lead the community in these new melodies.

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 Shabbat Morning Service

Our services are held both in person and on Zoom, and we are a blend of conservative and contemporary melodies. We rotate every other week through being led in prayer by Cantor Miriam or participating ourselves in the leading of all parts of the service, including providing the Drash.

Holiday Events

Celebrating holidays with one another is something we love to do! Please see opportunities
to celebrate together in our calendar.

This community shows up for each other! When our mother passed, we had a minyan in our home every night and felt the warmth and support of so many, every week during our first year of mourning.

Cheryl & Pamela

We anxiously await the safe return of Israeli hostages, we grieve for the loss of all innocent life, and we lament the injuries and impact to all innocent life by the violence.

We pray for peace to the world, with happiness, blessing, grace, love, and mercy for all people.